
Autocar AT 1.37

Standalone truck, Volvo Dealership. No details from other games or mods. All additional details created in the 3D editor for…

5 years ago

International Lonestar upgrades

I started making this mod the day the Lonestar was released. I stretched the highrise sleeper to the 73” Modeled…

5 years ago

Peterbilt 386 1.37

Peterbilt 386 mod works with American Truck Simulator verison 1.37 and LATER versions of ATS. Updated 05-11-2020 (Monday) addressing a…

5 years ago

Correction front wheel track_oq37 add-on

The mod corrects (reduces) the front track of all trucks in the ATS. Wheel Tuning Pack is required! Works on…

5 years ago

International LT fix 1.5

International truck mod works in ATS patch 1.37 The mod includes: Day cab 56" Lo-Rise cab 56" Hi-Rise cab 73"…

5 years ago

International LoneStar Reworked v1.2

This mod aims to add stock parts from the current gen LoneStar, so unlike evh5150vanhalen's mod, nothing flashy is added…

5 years ago

Peterbilt Modified 389 V2.2.5

Hi, this is the ATS version of my Peterbilt 389 Modified mod, for ATS patch 1.36 Credits: Builder by Ivan…

5 years ago

Kenworth K100-E 1.36 i believe this is a crucial piece for a game calling itself American Truck Simulator. This is what i've…

5 years ago

Autocar DC – Classic American trucks 1.36

ATS Classic American trucks 1.36 Standalone trucks, Sold in Volvo Dealer shop. No details from other games or mods. All…

5 years ago

International Lonestar traffic activated 1.36

– Standalone. – Duty cabin only. – 7 colors. - ATS Patch 1.36 tested Credits: SCS Software, Mondo.N DOWNLOAD

5 years ago