Peterbilt 379 EXHD Prescribe separate slot 1 cabin, 1 chassis His salon its sounds Tuning Test version 1.0.0s, log clean.…
Kenworth K100 Aerodyne - Standalone - Dealer Kenworth - Interior Test 1.0.0 Credits: Ivan, Ols, AU44, Oleg_Conte, darklorrd, Stas556, HaXwell,…
New: - Added Tuning Parts - Standalone - Dealer Keworth - Interior Tested 1.0.0 Game Version Credits: dmitry68, Stels, oq37,…
ATS Volvo VNL 670 v1.23 by Martinezio for ATS. It's error free. I'll update the mod when Martinezio update the…
Scania RS [RJL] For ATS Tested 1.0.0 Credits: RJL (Fordsonmies), GT-Mike, Killerhangar, Alang7, LoaderSaints, 50keda, SCS Software, Solutech. DOWNLOAD
HD Logos For Kenworth T680 For all game version Credits: lonestranger DOWNLOAD
HD Logos For Peterbilt 579 For all game version Credits: lonestranger DOWNLOAD
Naturally the mod works out of the box with both of my Remoled and Necromancy packs . It is also…
Volvo VNL 780 Good points: Volvo D13 and D16 engines with their respective sounds Eaton fullers transmission and I shift…
This is the truck pack containing various trucks made by modders in recent days that were ported to ATS. Models…