ATS 1.37 mods

Sierra Nevada 2.2 Reforma

Sierra Nevada map mod ATS 1.37. Now released for free. This mod remodels extensive areas in northern California and the…

5 years ago

Fruehauf Dryvan 1951 Version 2

I present to you the model of the semi-trailer Fruehauf Dryvan 1951 Features of the model, which has coloring pages…

5 years ago

Dolly Trailers v1.1

This mod adds dolly trailers in lengths of 28 feet and 32 feet to be used with rigid trucks. Supported…

5 years ago

Boeing73FLY’s 1.37 Enhanced Driving XPerience 2.0

Boeing73FLY's Enhanced Driving XPerience 2.0 mod for ATS 1.37. This mod makes the in-game driving experience a little more realistic.…

5 years ago

More Rear Axle Ratios for mDrive

This mod adds more rear axle ratios for mDrive transmissions with the SCS Mack Anthem. Added for the mDrive Direct…

5 years ago

Peterbilt 386 1.37

Peterbilt 386 mod works with American Truck Simulator verison 1.37 and LATER versions of ATS. Updated 05-11-2020 (Monday) addressing a…

5 years ago

Visual Interior Mod v1.02

Hello! It's my first steps in Blender 3D. Sometimes little things are important elements of immersion in the game. So…

5 years ago