ATS 1.39 mods

Sparta 4 Bolster Log TrailerSparta 4 Bolster Log Trailer

Sparta 4 Bolster Log Trailer

Here's a little something I just wrapped up. It's been quietly in development since last June and is one of…

4 years ago
Peterbilt 352/362Peterbilt 352/362

Peterbilt 352/362

Welcome to the Peterbilt 352/362 truck mod for ATS. This update brought tons and tons of new changes and improvements…

4 years ago
Benson end-dumpBenson end-dump

Benson end-dump

This ATS trailer Benson end-dump hauls coal. i arranged the origins & destinations in accordance with everyone's suggestions. The resulting…

4 years ago
JBX Settings RC v1.6.1 – ReshadeJBX Settings RC v1.6.1 – Reshade

JBX Settings RC v1.6.1 – Reshade

The post-processing effects of Reshade + JBX Settings RC offer more realistic graphics and compatibility with many Features: - Anti-Aliasing…

4 years ago
Real Tires Mod 3.1Real Tires Mod 3.1

Real Tires Mod 3.1

Hello truckers! So this is a sister mod of my Real Tire addon for 50kedas Wheel pack. It works with…

4 years ago
Manac Steel FlatbedManac Steel Flatbed

Manac Steel Flatbed

Manac Steel Flatbed ATS trailer mod. Corby's Manac Steel Flatbed Notes: Chassis types: 2 (tandem, spread) Chassis color is not…

4 years ago
Lowboy Cargo ExtendedLowboy Cargo Extended

Lowboy Cargo Extended

This mod expands on the standard SCS lowboy, namely: - Adds new cargoes; - Allows you to buy an extended…

4 years ago