Truck skins

Your Mimetic Colors Skin for Kenworth and Peterbilt v1Your Mimetic Colors Skin for Kenworth and Peterbilt v1

Your Mimetic Colors Skin for Kenworth and Peterbilt v1

American Truck Simulator 3x Your Mimetic Colors Skin for Kenworth and Peterbilt Trucks HOW TO INSTALL: – Copy and paste…

9 years ago
Kenworth T680 San Francisco Bridge SkinKenworth T680 San Francisco Bridge Skin

Kenworth T680 San Francisco Bridge Skin

Skin San Francisco Bridge For Kenworth T680 Truck Tested 1.0.0 Game version Credits: apo11o DOWNLOAD

9 years ago
Peterbilt 389 Vikings SkinPeterbilt 389 Vikings Skin

Peterbilt 389 Vikings Skin

ATS Peterbilt 389 Vikings Skin v1.0.0 Credits: Desire DOWNLOAD

9 years ago
California Wine Train v1California Wine Train v1

California Wine Train v1

This is a skin for the Freightliner FLB. You will need that truck already installed for this skin to work.…

9 years ago
International Lonestar Day Cab V2International Lonestar Day Cab V2

International Lonestar Day Cab V2

the truck is still in the creation and the owners have gone to ats but soon bring more things I…

9 years ago
Kenworth K100 Conrad Shada Trucking Inc. skin v1Kenworth K100 Conrad Shada Trucking Inc. skin v1

Kenworth K100 Conrad Shada Trucking Inc. skin v1

Conrad Shada Trucking Inc. skin for Kenworth K100 by Henki73 ready for ATS. For Aerodyne cab. Please keep original link…

9 years ago
Peterbilt 579 Vintage Skin 1.0.0Peterbilt 579 Vintage Skin 1.0.0

Peterbilt 579 Vintage Skin 1.0.0

Skin Vintage For Peterbilt 579 Truck Tested 1.0.0 Game Version Do Not Reupload!!! Credits: TruckerStas DOWNLOAD

9 years ago