Rockstar Energy reefer trailer
ATS Mods: Rockstar Energy reefer trailer – Trailer is standalone and included in traffic – It’s made using in-game reefer model – Works fine, tested on 1.2 patch – Mod manager ready Credits: BarbootX DOWNLOAD
American Truck Simulator news that you need to hear. When there is a new patch version, DLC update, a new truck in game and just latest ATS updates, you can rely on us. The game is very updated and maintained by its authors. Also, every few months, they release a new patch bringing new features to ATS. We also have paintjobs DLCs or, the most popular, map DLCs. They are usually two coming out each year. We update you along the way about the progress made by SCS Software. We will always let you know what’s going on with this section of American Truck Simulator news, the game that we love. Stay updated!
ATS Mods: Rockstar Energy reefer trailer – Trailer is standalone and included in traffic – It’s made using in-game reefer model – Works fine, tested on 1.2 patch – Mod manager ready Credits: BarbootX DOWNLOAD
SCS brings new wheel tuning options to Amerian Truck Simulator with the new ATS Wheel Tuning DLC! Ultimate wheel customization is here! Paint and customize your nuts, discs, hubs and hub covers exactly as you want. American Truck Simulator DLC download is now available on Steam. Here are some photos of trucks in American Truck Simulator with … Read more
The is a new update for American Truck Simulator. ATS patch 1.2 is available for Steam users and soon for everyone. The game will automatically update if you have your game on Steam. ATS updates: UI Navigation path (red line) can be disabled (option) Disable of hidden Route Advisor popups (option) Autopark feature can be … Read more
By a Request, this is the W900 in the Reimer Express Lines skin. Works on all variants of cabs. Reimer Express Lines, originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada is now a part of YRC I will be adding this to my website shortly. Thank you to everyone for the comments Credits: Nascar_Perry DOWNLOAD
Mod contain all myown skybox textures. Changed some skybox textures. Night contain diffrent skyboxes with clear sky, start,moon. Transition between day and night not faster. Adjusted color balance, HDR. No blur, no bloom. Removed DOF filter size. Dark nights. For european citizen, package contain “european day” mod for a bit longer day. Credits: Piva DOWNLOAD
ATS USA Container v0.1 American container. Prescribe a specific slot. Chassis with container & empty. Credits: mod creation: RTA team adapt for ATS: AlexCrazy DOWNLOAD
The Kenworth W900 truck is now officially in American Truck Simulator! The truck is a free DLC – the game will be updated automatically through Steam. Another subject that SCS talked after announcing this release of the truck is that many people complained about the big fines in the game. They say that they will work … Read more