Missouri Expansion Revealed for American Truck Simulator!

Exciting news, trucking enthusiasts! The Missouri expansion for American Truck Simulator is currently in the works, courtesy of the talented team at SCS Software. As we eagerly await the release of this much-anticipated addition, let’s dive into what Missouri has in store for ATS drivers.

American Truck Simulator Missouri

Known as the “Show-Me State,” Missouri features a rich mix of historical significance, natural beauty, and lively urban landscapes. Highlights include the iconic Gateway Arch in St. Louis, symbolizing westward expansion, and the picturesque Ozark Mountains providing a scenic backdrop for outdoor enthusiasts.

From the vibrant city life of Kansas City to serene landscapes, Missouri promises a unique and engaging trucking experience. Explore historical sites such as Mark Twain’s birthplace and soak in the authentic American culture.

For the first time in American Truck Simulator, drivers in Missouri will have the chance to witness the mighty Mississippi River, the second-longest river in the United States, flowing through 10 different states over a distance of 2,000 miles.

ats missouri map

Missouri’s diverse industries, spanning agriculture, underground warehouses, and food processing, offer a variety of challenges and opportunities for ATS drivers. Stay tuned for upcoming blog posts where we’ll showcase these industries. Keep in mind that what you see here is a work in progress, a testament to the ongoing dedication of the SCS Software team.

Get ready for an immersive journey through the heart of America as Missouri takes center stage in American Truck Simulator. The development and delivery of this virtual trucking adventure are in the capable hands of the SCS Software team, and we can’t wait to share the final product with our dedicated community.

missouri ats expansion

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