Freightliner FLC Rekt paint

Freightliner FLC Rekt paint

Rekt paint for Freightliner FLC skin mod for ATS. This adds a skin paintjob for the truck. It is a rusty art work and simulates a really old vehicle. If you bought it new with 0 miles, you can play it off by saying it went over one million. Replaces 88 skin Credits: XXXXX DOWNLOAD

Factory Paint Schemes

Freightliner FLC skin pack

Hello. I like the various “stock” color designs on trucks, so i’ll be basing my skins off of that. Credits: overfloater Freightliner FLC skin pack: Suitable for XBS’s FLC. DOWNLOAD Kenworth W900 skin pack: Suitable for stock W900, Big Bob’s W900, as well as GTM W900B. DOWNLOAD Peterbilt 579 skin pack: My least realistic skin … Read more

Lease Skins 48-53 SCS box

XTRA Lease company ats

This ATS mod adds the lease XTRA Lease company skin to the original SCS trailers. It is a good addition if you are looking to simulate a trailer leasing in game. DOWNLOAD Another skin for the trailer. Premier Trailer Leasing skin mod for ATS original box trailer. These mods should be working in all ATS … Read more