ATS 1.38 beta: major updates

ats 1.38 truck stop

ATS 1.38 beta patch comes with major updates, not long after the last version. What are the new improvements fixes and functionalities? Let’s take a look! You will be amazed by the importance and variety of additions to the game that this patch brings. If you are looking for mods, you can find them at … Read more

ATS Idaho DLC: log industry

ats idaho dlc

Idaho DLC is including the map of the U.S. Idaho state for American Truck Simulator. In this state there are mostly two types of environments: a green one and an arid one. As we mentioned previously, the Northern part is made of mountain and vast forests. The logging industry predominates the region. This is thanks … Read more

Idaho DLC: Coming summer 2020!

American truck simulator gas station

Idaho DLC for American Truck Simulator is still under construction. SCS let us know about how the work is going behind the scenes. In this article, the main focus is put on gas stations. Gas stations & truck stops Gas station in ATS are an important factor. A detailed and nice gas station matters as … Read more